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Little Tank Fitness
Fitness coaching
Providing wellness programs to help people achieve optimal holistic health.
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Dilpreet Bhattal
Established: Jan 1, 2020
Toronto, Ontario (Online)
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The 411
Little Tank Fitness facilitates programs like Exclusive Nutrition and Training Coaching, Nutrition Coaching, and Corporate Group Training.
Know their Story
Dilpreet believes everyone has hidden strengths, just waiting to be uncovered; It's a big part of how she lives her life.
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Making an Impact
Dilpreet is a huge advocate for inclusion, diversity, mental wellness, and women empowerment and has continuously supported her community through awareness initiatives, podcasts, workshops, and many exciting events.
Keepin' it Fun
Let's face it, boring classes just don't work for most people; That's why Dilpreet's coaching programs aim to be sustainable, fun, and enjoyable.

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