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Injector Gadget
Beauty and wellness
Skincare and aesthetics business that offers services such as botox, filler, PRP, and Microneedling.
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Shafroz Velji
Established: Oct 16, 2019
5-920 Lorimer Blvd. (Wpg, MB)
(204) 219-2154
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The 411
A registered nurse and entrepreneur in the health and beauty industry, Shafroz strives to provide clients the youthful glow they want.
Know their Story
After meeting her fiancé, she moved to Winnipeg, where she continued her career as a nurse, quickly transitioning to nurse injection and into her role at Visage.
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Making an Impact
As an aesthetic nurse, Shaf takes pride in helping people feel better and confident about the way they look; She also believes that helping out a small business not only helps them, but also helps the local community to thrive.
Keepin' it Fun
In addition to loving Marvel, Shaf has big dreams of working with a Marvel celebrity one day. She enjoys watching Netflix, relaxing, and trying out new makeup.

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