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Beni Barbershop
A place where you can be yourself, unwind, meet great people and get a great haircut in the process.
the Business
Owner(s) / Founder(s): Biniam W. Yohanes
Established: Jan 24, 2021
500 Portage Ave. (Wpg, MB)
(204) 306-4488
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The 411
Biniam is an experienced barber who has been cutting hair for many years. Born and raised in Eritrea, Africa, he moved to Canada in 2011 and opened Beni Barbershop during the pandemic period. Since then he has been servicing the local area for fresh fades, nice haircuts, all in a cozy and friendly environment.
Know their Story
Biniam has learned many lessons during his travels. Passion and ambition have driven him along the path to becoming a great barber.
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Making an Impact
A visit to the barber is more than the haircut, it's a conversation. Biniam is there to listen, help, and get to know people, while keeping your hair looking fresh and stylish.
Keepin' it Fun
Biniam loves his active lifestyle that includes boxing, working out, and anything that gets his body moving!

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